Spreading The Love…Links

Over at TCOTS, Bob Belvedere is keeping Michelle Malkin’s missing cousin, Marizela Perez at the top until she’s found. We need to find this young woman and reunite her with her family.

Mr. Caps tells us to ask our grandparents what a gas rationing card is.

Citizen Tom defines a Tempest in a Teapot

Constitutional Crusader says Protect Free Speech even if you don’t agree.

Over at Eternity Road, we have Ash Wednesday Ruminations with a nice piece of poetry

Jim Fister at Finding Ponies has an interesting article on “Ambush Journalism”

Fleece me explains how to Think like a Liberal.

Flopping Aces says we might as well get used to $4.00 dollar gas ’cause that’s what Obama wants.

On the High Plains, the pundits there tell us that Obama is steadfast about continued funding for NPR

Katy Pundit brings us this gem from Obama on Pelosi’s reign as House Speaker…what a crock.

Boudica Weblog begs the question…How much treason qualifies as treason.

Moe Lane has Another Brick in The Wall

A Very Important Blogger tells us about her digital angst

Over at POWIP, they ask the question…what would you rather do than make out with Helen Thomas?

Public Secrets tells us about the mutiny brewing in Obama’s cabinet.

Publius Huldah has a MUST READ article on education

Pundit Press has this on an upcoming meeting of OPEC. Bet it isn’t to see if they can help lower gas prices in the US.

Motor City Times brings us Crossfire by Stevie Ray Vaughn…good guitar.

The Daley Gator has an interesting bit of news from Idaho

The Lonely Conservative tells us that Harry Reid has a warning about mean Republicans.

Over at The Pirates Cove, he keeps up to date on everything the  Globull Climate Change nuts come up with.

Over at the Sundries Shack, Jimmie Bise asks us to listen to his next show.

Zilla of the Resistance has something or other about abandoning your children.

I’ve saved the best for last…The Other McCain, who has kept us abreast of the Charlie Sheen antics of the past week or so, has this definition of Crazy!, and proud Papa that he is, he also found time to give recognition to his Daughter, Kennedy.

If I missed anyone, drop me a comment and I’ll try and do better next time. I smell my dinner cooking and it’s about damn time, too. 😉

Update; Smash Mouth Politics attacks the lies of Liberalism one article at a time.

13 thoughts on “Spreading The Love…Links

  1. Thanks for the link, Mike.

    Looks like you’ll be one of the stars this year of Stacy McCain’s Annual Offend A Feminist Week.

  2. Thanks for the link, Mike. That’s an impressive list. I keep thinking I need to start doing them, but it’s like folding clothes. I just keep putting it off.

    I’ll be havin’ a look at several of your suggestions. But definitely not the Helen Thomas one. EWWWW

  3. Thanks for the linky love. I have “something or other” … LOLz. That about sums up those crazy women I wrote about pretty well. I had a hard time finding the right words to describe something so unnatural too.

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