Odd Experiment

Was reading through The Other McCain’s blog this morning and his site meter caught my eye. Over five million hits and counting. Being the curious sort I am, I sat there, or here as the case may be, and hit the refresh button on my computer. Hmmm…I waited another minute and hit it again. This is interesting. McCain gets about five hits per minute, which equals to about 7200 hits per day. So by my calculations, Stacey McCain will reach the six million hit plateau in approximately  seven point two days, barring an “Instalanche.”

How does one get that many hits a day? I realize that there are bloggers out there that count their hits per day in the tens of thousands. Does one have to have a journalism degree and been a reporter of some substance before they hit this kind of blogging success? Or can a regular “Joe Schmoe” such as myself and others of “uneducated” ilk expect to reach these lofty goals? I’ve been extremely happy with my recent spate of one hundred plus hits per day.


I do have to give credit where credit is due. I reached the hundred hit per day plateau thanks in large part to The Other McCain and my shamless “blog whoring” in obedience to Rule 2 . If I’m going to reach a million hits in less than a year, I’ve got less than a month to do it.

I raise a glass to your blogging success. And for those of you who do, smoke ’em if ya got ’em.

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