Sucker Bet?…Not So Fast

From some Liberal News reader over at the Washington Monthly;

A SUCKER’S BET…. The effort to pass a budget for the remainder of the fiscal year will be the principal challenge for policymakers over the next few days, but while that work continues, congressional Republicans will also start a massive fight over the next budget.

We’ll have more on this later — sneak preview: the GOP wants to gut entitlements — but as the process gets underway, it’s worth pausing to appreciate the politics here. The Weekly Standard‘s Stephen Hayes has a lengthy new report, arguing that Republicans are prepared to “gamble on entitlement reform,” and the GOP thinks it can win this time.

If there is one thing that political strategists, pollsters, and elected officials of both parties have agreed on for decades, it’s that entitlement reform is a sure political loser. Social Security is the “third rail” — touch it and you die. Suggest changes to Medicaid and you don’t care about the poor. Propose modest reforms to Medicare and you’re the target of a well-funded “Mediscare” campaign that ensures your defeat.

No longer.

“People are getting it that these things are unsustainable,” says Karl Rove. “For so many people, debt is no longer abstract. It’s more concrete. I don’t know if it’s seeing Greece on TV or what. It’s still tough, but it’s not the political loser it used to be.”

Other influential Republicans go further. They believe that getting serious about entitlement reform can be politically advantageous.

“I think it can be a real winner for Republicans if we handle it the right way,” says South Carolina senator Jim DeMint.

It’s a “lead pipe cinch” that we need entitlement reform. The costs for it rise every year. More people are jumping on the entitlement train daily. Pretty soon it’s going to derail and it’s not gonna be a pretty sight.

3 thoughts on “Sucker Bet?…Not So Fast

  1. The Dems would prefer to sit back and watch the train wreck from a safe distance. I hope the Republicans will do what is right. But pols show that even the Tea Party members are not in favor of cutting the entitlement programs. It makes me sick.

    • We might as well get set for a little pain now, as opposed to the massive Migraine we’ll suffer if we don’t bring the profligate spending under control. Thanks for your comment.


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