Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: It’s Now Patriotic to Call Paul Krugman a !@%$#%@ Hypocrite

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: It’s Now Patriotic to Call Paul Krugman a !@%$#%@ Hypocrite.

Well now, someone who despises Paul Krugman as much as I do. Krugman is a whiny Socialist  who doesn’t like it that Conservatives are demanding reductions in government spending and debt. If Paul Krugman makes a policy suggestion, you can be assured it came out of the Socialist playbook. Krugman is all about bigger government and more government spending. He’s about government control of most private industry because in his opinion, government knows best. In other words, Krugman is an idiot, who happens to have a “Nobel Prize.” You know who else has a Nobel Prize? Jimmy Carter, Al Gore and Barack Hussein Obama…’nuff said.

Update; For another take down of Paul Krugman, we go to the inimitable Stacy McCain;

As for Krugman’s assertion that the Ryan budget would “dismantle Medicare completely,” Krugman’s just playing the old “Medi-scare” game as a way to demand a do-over on last year’s election. Instead of 2010 having been “a clear choice,” the professor says, let’s make that choice in 2012.

But if last year’s election was not “a clear choice,” we have only Democrats to blame. In district after district, Democrats ran ads accusing Republicans of advocating “tax breaks for companies that send jobs overseas.” And then there was the Democrats’ assertion that the GOP was funded by ”secret foreign donors.” So Krugman evidently fears that Democrats who spent millions of dollars promoting dishonest smears in 2010 are now in danger of becoming too “civil.”

Professor Krugman evidently wants Democrats in Washington to mimic the tactics of Wisconsin Democrats, who resort to burglary to prevent a “clear choice” and also attempt to shut down Republicans with incoherent shouting.

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