Blame Bush Meme Still Top Democrat Talking Point

Pirate’s Cove.

William Teach gives a good analysis of one of the new ‘Super Commission’ Senators, Ben Nelson. Basically, it called for a ‘new’ civil tone of political discourse and then went on to blame Bush for all of Obama’s ills. Go figure huh?

Got that? Because the $2 trillion is in a piece of signed legislation, it is assumed that the cut is already made, despite no money having actually been cut out in Reality Land. If it never gets cut, Congress Critters and Obama will still claim that the money was cut. Los Federales like to play monetary games that would get people in the private sector thrown in jail.

Rather than a balanced budget amendment, how about we have the Smartphone Calculator Amendment? What is that? Take a look at the calculator on your phone. Notice that the vast majority that come on mobile phones are very basic. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and an equals sign. If the government cannot use a super basic calculator to come up with the monetary figures, then the figures are too damned complicated, and should all be redone so that any US citizen can look and understand what is going on immediately.

And, yeah, then Ben does go on and complain about the Bush tax cuts for the rich, and blames most of the debt and deficit on Bush not paying for 2 wars and those same tax cuts.

Crossed at Right Wing News and Stop The ACLU.

4 thoughts on “Blame Bush Meme Still Top Democrat Talking Point

    • I read the article half a dozen times and I didn’t see any references to giving the GOP a pass after January, 2009. In fact, a lot of members of the GOP have been under fire for their progressive left leaning votes and waffling. But since you’re from that side of the fence, perhaps you’re blinded by the snow job Obama has put on you. I’m just sayin’.
      Thanks for your comment, Mike G.

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