Another Obama Top Ten List

From Keith Koffler via Doug Ross at Journal, the top ten Obama excuses for the tanking economy;

10. Tsunami in Japan completely disrupted arugula supply chain

9. Casey Anthony acquittal threw entire nation into emotional abyss

8. Blockbuster Congressional movie Barney Frank & Friends tanked at box office

7. Collapse of massive, doddering European welfare state (which doesn’t hold any lessons for our own massive, doddering welfare state)

6. Export of heavy weapons to Libya well below forecast

5. Decision to film new season of Jersey Shore in Italy sucked millions from East Coast economy

4. Republicans wouldn’t permit me to invade Fort Knox

3. Oprah totally bailed on her promise to give every American a Ford Focus

2. Repairing the economies of all 57 states proving more difficult than anticipated

1. I’ve always said that the economy would be back to normal by 2016 and the start of my third term


3 thoughts on “Another Obama Top Ten List

  1. I think the picture at the top says it all. If the President was really concerned about Americans and the jobs they don’t have, would he continue going on the vacations he seems to take every month or so? Makes me wonder, at the very least.

  2. You have to remember, LD–Obama is a busy man. God has so much to do that he doesn’t have time for the small stuff, like running a country.

    Ron @

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