Stand Against Evil – Never Let It Win

Zilla has an important story up about the vicious liberal attacks against Donald Douglas who blogs at American Power;

Donald Douglas is a college professor, a father, a husband and the author of the American Power blog – he is also my friend and he is a really nice man. Donald has been under relentless brutal attack by filthy commie pinko rat bastard d-bag jackasses for years now, and it goes far beyond the usual trolling and anonymous death threats that most of us Conservative bloggers have become so accustomed to; the demonic progs have repeatedly published Donald’s workplace information and have undertaken a scorched earth endeavor to destroy Donald’s life and livelihood. In addition to that, they have viciously slandered him with the most vile false accusations and have even attempted to have law enforcement investigate him for imaginary crimes. There are entire blogs devoted to nothing else but the destruction of this decent and honorable man.

3 thoughts on “Stand Against Evil – Never Let It Win

  1. Pingback: Stand Against Evil – Never Let it Win | Zilla of the Resistance at

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