Happy Thanksgiving From South Florida…#Rule5

Hope everyone has/had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends. πŸ˜‰

We actually had to work this morning unloading a truck. It took about an hour or so, then we were off to play golf with our friend/landlord. He took us to the Parkland Golf and Country Club, a very nice, plush golf course. I actually did pretty good, making some good drives and approach shots. And my putter was working fairly well. I still had (3) sevens on the front nine. 😦

Then Brother took the whole crew, fourteen of us , out to dinner at the Golden Corral. That place was packed.

8 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving From South Florida…#Rule5

  1. “Hope everyone has/had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends. ”


    Sounds like you had a very nice Turkey day!

  2. Pingback: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove

  3. Pingback: Rule 5 Sunday? If it drives Jihadis crazy, then Hell yes! « The Daley Gator

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