The Familiar Pattern Emerges Again

The Familiar Pattern Emerges Again.

Stacy McCain is reporting from the  Iowa Presidential Caucus and laments the fact that some so called ‘friends’ are lambasting him because of his truthful and unbiased reportage from the Corn Belt.

In the case of Professor Jacobson, I suppose his evident delight in heaping scorn on me is related to his undisguised opposition to the candidacy of Rick Santorum. And thus does the bearer of bad news (from the perspective that good news for Santorum is bad news for the professor’s favored candidate) become persona non grata.

People who tell you that honesty is the best policy are wrong, if the object of your policy is to become popular. To say honestly what one believes is viewed by sophisticated people as foolishness, and to admit doubt or discouragement is considered an expression of self-pity. So it is that, desiring to be thought wise and strong, we are led to care more about seeming virtuous than actually being virtuous.

Bite your tongue and hide your motives, for this is wisdom. Never acknowledge that you have been hurt, for there is strength in denial. Such are the implicit maxims of the Cult of Seeming.

The incentives to be concerned chiefly with seeming are very powerful, in a world where people are often judged more by perception than reality. Yet that temptation must be resisted, because it can lead to a life based on falsehood, and those who attempt live a lie are never completely successful in their deceptions.

Newt Gingrich?…Really?…That SOB has more baggage than a whole platoon of skycaps could handle. And the skeletons in his closet- well, lets just say that when those skeletons start rattling their bones, it sounds like the drum solo from Wipe Out.

Take a step down that path, and then another and another and, before you know it, you’ll be lobbying for Freddie Mac, recording a video with Nancy Pelosi, running up a million-dollar tab at Tiffany’s and cruising the Aegean with your third wife, all the while expecting the good people of Iowa to support you as an “outsider” who is going to clean up the mess in Washington.

Newt sure talks a good game, but what will he really be like when the chips are on the table and he has to go “all in?”

7 thoughts on “The Familiar Pattern Emerges Again

  1. Stacy is one of the best writers in the blogosphere and very astute. Having said that, he also likes to start “flame wars” to pump his stats. I don’t participate.

    Prof J’s statement that he “links to people that link to him” is a real turn off. I link to people who have something good to say. Obviously, Prof. J’s method will earn you a much bigger blog, but since that has never been my focus, it becomes an “oh well.”

    I pretty much hate all the potential nominees and hold fast to “control the congress and ABO.”

    • I read Stacy because of his writing. Perhaps he does try to pump his stats by starting “flame wars.” They’re entertaining to read sometimes, though.

      Prof J…I’ve linked to him a few times and never got linked back…so…as you say, oh well. 😉

      People don’t like Ron Paul because they think he’s crazzzzzy. But is he really?

  2. I don’t think Paul is crazy. I just don’t agree with him all the time. Maybe I’m crazy. Ok – I am crazy, but at least I know I’m crazy which makes me a bit less crazy. Yes?

    Wipeout? One of the all time worst songs, evah! Those poor guys must be retching back stage every time they have to play that POS.

  3. Hey, we’re all a little crazy in our own little ways, right?

    Worst song evah!? Back in the day, it got considerable airplay. Anyway, I was just using the song to make a point, eh? 😉

  4. Now don’t get your tail all puffed up.

    I was making the statement about that song from the view point of a drummer who is married to a tres wonderful guitar player.

    Trust me on this – the band is retching the whole time they’re playing it. Sort of like Louie, Louie (which I actually like – in particular my hubby’s arrangement on banjo. No – I’m not kidding.)

  5. Think, get O out of there, that’s all you have to do. No matter what, we will have to ride anyone who becomes anything in gov from now on, think who can verbally fight this SOB!!! This is the first Jacobson bash I’ve seen, wow, very weird.

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