#Perverts In The News

Via Instapundit:

Matthew LoMaglio has finally been sentenced for his sexual abuse of an eight year old boy in his gym class. He was given four years for the crime that was committed in 2006 and 2007. Four freaking years for screwing up this poor boy’s life possibly forever.

The reason it’s taken so long is because investigators were stonewalled by Lo Broglio’s fellow teachers and school administrators. In the police forces, it’s called the “Thin Blue Line” when fellow officers protect one of their own from criminal prosecution.

What do teachers call it when they protect one of their own from criminal prosecution, especially from such a heinous crime as sexual child abuse? Do teachers condone this kind of treatment of children in their care? The news is rife with examples of teachers taking advantage of their students.

Maybe it’s time to psychologically test teachers and do extensive background checks before we let them near our kids.


2 thoughts on “#Perverts In The News

  1. Let’s put the blame where it rightfully belongs. Using a management structure that makes no logical sense, politicians run our schools. Instead of just one government body, we have Federal, state, and local politicians (plus a school board in most districts) calling the shots.

    So who is in charge? We are. We elected the people who created this mess and allow it to continue.

    Because the mess has been allowed to continue, nobody is truly in charge. That is why even though a public education is “free” many parents either send their children to private schools or educate them themselves.

    • You have something there Tom about us being partly responsible for electing some of these people, but that being said, it’s a no-brainer…if a teacher has abused a student in their care, don’t protect them. They put in people’s minds that the rest of the profession is just as perverted as the current offender.

      Thanks for commenting.

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