What’s The Plan, Man?

A question from Tea Party Nation and J. S. Dover…WTF are we doing and how are we going to go about it? Here’s an excerpt;

In my last article I spoke of how we would have to think of politics differently if we expect to win the policies we want to see put into place.  Have you been to the Republican National Committee’s website recently (GOP.com)?  Did you see an itemized list of legislative goals?  All I saw were broad categories and general statements relating to them… from the 2008 platform!  Why don’t they know what their specific goals are?  It’s axiomatic that, if you don’t know where you’re going, you’re literally out of control, a ship without a rudder.  I spoke of a failure to lead in the Republican Party in my last article.

How, may I ask, is it possible to lead if there’s no route map laid out or no set goals?

If such a thing does in fact exist – again, in specific language – where is it?  Let the voters see it. Or, are we supposed to just sit back, in spite of what’s happened in our country during the past thirty years and just rely on some watery statements cobbled together by an intern during the election cycle and left in place for four years?

Put It In Writing

That website should contain an itemized list of what the party goals are, in specific terms, and an explanation of why they are necessary.  Secondly, there should be a list of pending legislation, sponsored by Republicans, which addresses those specific policy goals, along with the bill’s current status and summary of what’s included in the bill and that of any riders.  Finally, there should be a list of policy objectives realized, and a text available to read, along with a short form synopsis of what the legislation provides for.  How is it that no such thing can be found there?

We, the Republican public, want and need accountability.  It would seem that we also need far more than just a convention every four years to determine bland, general policy objectives.  Nor, do I believe, can we continue at this juncture to permit the domestic policy leadership to rest in a single position, the president (when applicable).  There must be broad agreement as a result of vigorous debate on specific agenda items and when and if we have the White House, the president must agree to them as a condition of accepting the nomination.  As a party, we need regular planning and organizing sessions.  We need strategies to implement our plans and then we need to measure the results of our efforts.  This can’t be sporadic or every four years to be effective.  It needs to be quarterly, at a minimum.  That is, unless you think that what we’ve done to this point is working…

A War On Multiple Fronts

I bring up these ideas for reasons which follow.  In addition to all the outright federal bureaucratic obstruction and red tape which currently exists to doing business of any description in the United States and all the wasteful expenditures inflicted upon the nation by the Obama administration and the Democrat congress, look what Democrats and their surrogates are doing elsewhere: they are simultaneously waging wars on the banking industry, on tobacco, on oil, on coal, on nuclear power, on meat, on pharmaceuticals, on fast food, on the automobile, on land use, on personal income, on education, on gun ownership, on child-rearing, on the Christian religion, on fishing, on marriage,  on private property, on recreation, on medicine, on employment and the workplace and thousands of other areas I haven’t touched on.  Yet, our opponents are a minority!  Why haven’t we stopped them?  Maybe it’s because there’s no plan to do so.  Again, if there is such a plan, where can we see it?  And, if there is not, let’s get one.

Ladies and Gentlemen, in the face of this onslaught, how much time do we have remaining to get our act together?  I submit that it’s short.  We need clear direction, we need action and we need accountability from the people we send to Washington and we need it starting now.

J. S. Dover

May 2012

Very good question Mr. Dover. We need to see what the Republican platform is going to be and have some time to digest it before the convention. The GOP platform shouldn’t mimic the health care mandate…”you have to vote for it to see what’s in it.”

That would be stupidly foolish. If that’s the case, we might as well gird our loins for another four years of Obama hijinks and profligate spending sprees by the Obama family* and the Democrats in the Senate.

* Obama’s gots to golf and Michelle gots to vacay on the taxpayer’s dime after all.


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