A Blogger Goes Dark…A Bad Omen

What the hell is going on in the conservative blogosphere? Our good friend Paul Lemmen is “going dark” because of unwarranted attacks on him because he brought up the delicate situation with the National Blogger’s Club President Ali Akbar and the revelation that he was/ is a convicted felon;

The Darkness…

…Has begun. I know not when or if it will lift.

The blog remains but will not be updated, links nor comments approved as long as I am attacked and bullied into silence by my own fellow conservatives.

Congrats, you’ve done what BK and crew couldn’t. Not a one of you self serving sissies, that latch onto the work product I risked my very freedom for and either promote yourself or attack me because you haven’t the maturity to privately email me or refuse to respond to my emails and discuss your difficulties with me and work out our differences, you are the ones that have not the balls to do it yourself but find attack and outright lies, slander and defamation much easier than dirtying your nails.

I’m a tiny voice, a micro-blog and I’ll not allow “my betters” and the blowhards to use me as a doormat any longer. Do your own fucking work. Not a damn one of you is worth going back to prison for.

Questions have been raised about the donation scheme the NBC has in place and also about having an independent auditor look at their books. I think that is a very good idea. I mean, isn’t that how this whole Brett Kimberlin mess got started…because someone started asking questions about his non-profit status?

Us conservatives don’t need to be squabbling amongst ourselves…we have other fish to fry.

Update: From The Trenches, Brooks Bayne comes to Paul’s defense;

The following emails were posted to Paul Lemmen’s blog earlier. These are emails from Neal Rauhauser to Paul with some correspondence where Brett Kimberlin and Jeannie McBride were included. I’ve interacted with Paul several times on Twitter. He seems like a “no bullshit” kinda guy. Neal claims that Paul was picked for this correspondence due to Paul’s understandable withdrawal from the National Bloggers Club, and a connection to Howard Berkowitz from their time working together at Layer 3 Arts. Hell, none of us at The Trenches have ever been part of that echo chamber eunuchorn clique. However, I did donate a whopping $35 when they were calling for donations to help with legal bills for their case. Yes, hate me for being a tightwad. How much did you donate? Anyway… lawfare is expensive, AMIRIGHT?! I’d love to be a fly on the wall listening to Neal and Brett plotting the next move in their “strategy”.

There are some interesting aspects about these emails. One is that Neal reveals his utter disdain for one of The Trenches’ new writers, Patrick Read, and a few others, like Seth Allen, Aaron Walker, Robert Stacy McCain, Patrick Frey, David Matthew Stewart, ZAPEM, Mike Stack (the first guy SWATted in this whole nasty affair), Aaron Walker, Greg W. Howard, and Mandy Nagy. If this is all about a personal grudge, Mr. Asperger’s (yes, he admits it again in these emails – legal defense?), then you’re pretty damned tenacious.

My favorite line from the entire exchange: “I can think of no one more redeemed + active than brett. He’s basically the shadow 96th us atty’s office – hardcore anti-corruption ninja. Hook him up?” I can barely muster a straight face trying to unpack the silliness of that statement. Brett Kimberlin is a domestic terrorist who injured people with bombs, and he was suspected of killing a woman over his infatuation with a little girl, according to media, police, and court records AND WHO ALSO PLOTTED TO KILL WITNESSES AND A US ATTORNEY. But… Neal tries to frame Brett as a shadowy force for good in the 96th US Attorney’s Office. FMFFS!

Also, note in the emails that Neal is still indenting his paragraphs in emails, just like “Gaped Crusader”. This name will become relevant soon. Seriously, who indents their paragraphs in emails, other than Neal and Gaped, I mean?

This whole thing is just getting weird. We all need to step back and take a deep breath–count to ten…whatever it is you do to calm yourself down. Then get back on the attack against the progressive left and take our country back.


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